Viewing Your Data

Aeon Timeline 3 contains many different views which help you visualise and organise your data in different ways. You can use as few or as many as you like, choosing which ones bestsuit your needs the most.

Timeline View

Timeline view allows you to plot and display your events chronologically across a horizontal timeline. Plot out down to the last second the events of your murder mystery story to determine where everyone was and what was happening at the time, or see how old a character is at a certain event in your story. Map out a chronological display of your client’s emails over time, or plan the timeline for the completion of a project.

More than just a static display tool, the timeline view gives viewing and editing functionality that allows for easy changing and organising of your data as it evolves. Simple clicking and dragging events on the timeline provides quick reordering, while a zoom tool allows you to view your data at different time scales. Analyse the events occurring across a single day, then zoom out to see how they compare across millions of years.

Read more about Timeline View

Spreadsheet View

Spreadsheet view is a simple table that contains events and their associated information. It allows for quick data entry of events and entities without having to enter dates or scroll around a timeline. Get down information about your events quickly without having to stress about the details, and order your events chronologically before giving them dates. The spreadsheet provides all the information about the events in one glance, providing quick editing and viewing capabilities.

Read more about Spreadsheet View

Relationship View

Relationship view is a table view that displays the relationships between events and other items such as characters or locations. It allows for a quick and easy way to view and edit relationships without having to scroll through an event’s data. Discover plot inconsistencies where characters are expected to be in two different places at once or see if an employee has too many tasks allocated to them. See how old characters are at certain events in your story, or see at a glance what historical events took place in a certain country.

Read more about Relationship View

Subway View

Subway view illustrates how events connect with entities across time. Events are laid out along tracks like in a subway map, each track representing a different item such as character, story arc, or employee, with common events shown as intersections on the map. It shows the sequential order of events, without being drawn to scale.

Visualise different project teams and how tasks are shared between them. Plan how your story arcs intersect and develop over time, or when two characters should meet in a story.

Read more about Subway View

Narrative View

Narrative view is an independent structure and order for your events which is different from the chronological/date based order on your timeline. Create a non-linear story order independent of your timeline, useful for novels with flashbacks or time travel, or ordering how you are going to present a case to court.

Divide your events into the chapters and scenes they will exist in, and easily move them around as you make changes to your story.

Read more about Narrative View

Outline View

Outline view is a table view of events in your narrative, stored in a hierarchical list structure. It enables you to quickly edit the events in your narrative, and see all an events associated information at a glance.

Read more about Outline View

Mindmap View

Mindmap view is a freeform space that allows you to draw mindmaps of connected events, people, places and other entities. Show the relationships between characters in your novel, or create a person’s family tree. Plot out the events for your story and how they relate to one another before having to plan out a narrative, or just use it in the brainstorming phase to flesh out ideas before committing to a story or a task.

Read more about Mindmap View

Split View

Aeon Timeline has the ability to split the screen into multiple windows, each showing different views. This allows you to compare different types of data, or different ways to view the data side by side.

Compare different character’s timelines by having filters on multiple windows. Have relationship view open to check a character’s movements while you are planning your narrative, or have your brainstorming mindmap open as you start to plan your project’s timeline.

Split screens gives the ability to easily move data between different views. A simple click and drag of events lets you move them from one view to another. Quickly add all your events via the spreadsheet view, then drag them to the timeline view to start planning their chronological order. Plot out your ideas in a mindmap, and drag them to the narrative view to start planning your story.